

People, especially our most vulnerable populations, want to avoid walking these streets at night. We must protect everyone, especially our women and children, and make them feel proud to live in their communities, not unsafe! We must not create a society where perpetrators do not face the consequences for their actions. I fully support the efforts of law enforcement and their presence in our communities. Business owners have endured countless theft crimes that have not been punished. Residents always have to worry about the threat of package thieves when they are not home. I will give our residents a voice by creating forums and supporting platforms and apps, being active on those platforms that inform fellow residents about these atrocities, and working with law enforcement to identify the perpetrators.

We must always hold our police accountable for their actions. However, defunding is not the answer. Our law enforcement officers put their lives on the line to protect us. I fully support investing more funds and resources into the NYPD to tackle staffing shortages and improve training.

I support a bill to increase penalties for attacks on retail workers. Small business owners should not feel helpless when it comes to CRIME!

As your Assembly Member, I will work to repeal and fight back against the atrocious bail reform laws, hold repeat offenders accountable, and ensure that criminals face real consequences.


Small businesses are the backbone of our economies and communities. I support reducing taxes on small businesses, not large corporations. Operating costs, licenses and permits, energy, and other expenses strain small businesses heavily. With the rising cost of living and people barely able to afford to live in New York City, we must incentivize small business startups and growth to support current and future generations.

With retail theft, robberies, and other crimes negatively impacting small businesses, I fully support the rights of all small businesses, such as delis, bodegas, corner stores, retail shops, restaurants, etc., to defend themselves and their property. New York’s leniency on these crimes is making the problems much worse. As your Assembly Member, I will be a voice for your rights!


I will vote in favor of measures that propose to reduce government red tape and make processes more accessible for small businesses and landowners. It takes a lot of sacrifices to open and operate a business. Businesses keep our communities and economies thriving; we must pursue solutions that support startups and keep businesses operating.


I will work with local organizations and agencies to introduce programs that teach young men and women, in or out of high school and college, and our young adults how to operate and open investment accounts and manage finances. People should know how to open investment accounts, contribute to index funds, and use other economic practices to support their futures! This will help teach financial responsibility and provide viable starting paths. I will support an increase in funding for these programs.

Imagine a generation graduating from college and starting their life with 10 or 20 THOUSAND in their bank accounts. We NEED financial literacy and responsibility!


I aim to allocate and propose improved funding to address flooding in Queens. Recent storms and hurricanes have devastated homeowners and property owners. I will take appropriate measures to ensure our communities are not as severely affected. We must create long-term investing plans in adaptable infrastructure and work together to form strategies to prevent disasters associated with flooding in our urban communities.

I also propose and support investments in improved road infrastructure. Maspeth, Woodside, and Elmhurst have far too many narrow and dangerous roads. We must address accidents before they happen!


I will speak up against the sex work, prostitution, and solicitations that are operating in broad daylight and many other issues that are affecting our communities. Children and families are exposed to these inappropriate practices on their streets and outside businesses and homes. It is completely unacceptable that local elected officials and law enforcement agencies refuse to take immediate action. Businesses do not want solicitation outside their storefronts. Parents do not want their children to be exposed to these practices.

I will work with law enforcement agencies and our local elected officials to increase law enforcement presence in areas designated by stakeholders and residents as hotspots for brothels, prostitution, + sexual operations. This is not about punishing the poor women involved. This is about going after the pimps and brothel owners and giving them less reason to open up those operations. This is about creating safer and cleaner streets for our children. This is about protecting the women who get approached and confused for soliciting. This is about the businesses that lose revenue because people do not want to visit.


As mentioned, I will work to utilize platforms for residents to voice their daily concerns. As your Assembly Member, I will always be attentive to your concerns and work to address them immediately. Many residents have informed me about theft, brothels, taxes, infrastructure, society, and much more!

I will advocate against unnecessary infrastructure projects, such as Citi bike stations, being assembled in communities that do not support them. As a cyclist myself, I understand the need for safety measures such as establishing bike lanes and implementing accessible measures such as city bike stations. However, they have made parking and navigating our streets much more challenging. Homeowners, business owners, and all residents should have somebody loudly expressing their concerns.